Seminarios Investigadores Investigación Docencia Historia Enlaces Intranet Principal

Synchronization in driven versus autonomous coupled chaotic maps

Autores: M. Pineda, M.G. Cosenza.
Referencia: Physical Review E, 71, 057201, (2005)


The phenomenon of synchronization occurring in a locally coupled map lattice subject to an external drive is compared to the synchronization process in an autonomous coupled map system with similar local couplings plus a global interaction. It is shown that chaotic synchronized states in both systems are equivalent, but the collective states arising after the chaotic synchronized state becomes unstable can be different in these two systems. It is found that the external drive induces chaotic synchronization as well as synchronization of unstable periodic orbits of the local dynamics in the driven lattice. On the other hand, the addition of a global interaction in the autonomous system allows for chaotic synchronization that is not possible in a large coupled map system possessing only local couplings.

Direccion Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Ciencias Centro de Fisica Fundamental