Seminarios Investigadores Investigación Docencia Historia Enlaces Intranet Principal

Emergence of patterns in driven and in autonomous spatiotemporal systems

Autores: M.G. Cosenza, M. Pineda, A. Parravano
Referencia: Physical Review E, 67, 066217, (2003)


The relationship between a driven extended system and an autonomous spatiotemporal system is investigated in the context of coupled map lattice models. Specifically, a locally coupled map lattice subjected to an external drive is compared to a coupled map system with similar local couplings plus a global interaction. It is shown that, under some conditions, the emergent patterns in both systems are analogous. Based on the knowledge of the dynamical responses of the driven lattice, we present a method that allows the prediction of parameter values for the emergence of ordered spatiotemporal patterns in a class of coupled map systems having local coupling and general forms of global interactions.

Direccion Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Ciencias Centro de Fisica Fundamental