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Spectral properties and pattern selection in fractal growth networks

Authors: K. Tucci, M.G. Cosenza
Reference: Physica D, 199, 91, (2004)


A model for the generation of fractal growth networks in Euclidean spaces of arbitrary dimension is presented. These networks are considered as the spatial support of reaction-diffusion and pattern formation processes. The local dynamics at the nodes of a fractal growth network is given by a nonlinear map, giving raise to a coupled map system. The coupling is described by a matrix whose eigenvectors constitute a basis on which spatial patterns on fractal growth networks can be expressed by linear combination. The spectrum of eigenvalues the coupling matrix exhibits a nonuniform distribution that is re ected in the presence of gaps or niches in the boundaries of stability of the synchronized states on the space of parameters of the system. These gaps allow for the selection of specfic spatial patterns by appropriately varying the parameters of the system.

Direccion Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Ciencias Centro de Fisica Fundamental