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Intracultural diversity in a model of social dynamics

Authors: A. Parravano, H. Rivera-Ramírez, M.G. Cosenza
Reference: Physica A, 379, 241, (2007)


We study the consequences of introducing individual nonconformity in social interactions, based on Axelrod's model for the dissemination of culture. A constraint on the number of situations in which interaction may take place is introduced in order to lift the unavoidable homogeneity present in the final configurations arising in Axelrod's related models. The inclusion of this constraint leads to the occurrence of complex patterns of intracultural diversity whose statistical properties and spatial distribution are characterized by means of the concepts of cultural affinity and cultural cline. It is found that the relevant quantity that determines the properties of intracultural diversity is given by the fraction of cultural features that characterizes the cultural nonconformity of individuals.

Direccion Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Ciencias Centro de Fisica Fundamental