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Nonequilibrium transition induced by mass media in a model for social infuence

Authors: J.C. González-Avella, M.G. Cosenza, K. Tucci
Reference: Physical Review E (Rapid Communications), 71, 065102(r), (2005)


We study the effect of mass media, modeled as an applied external field, on a social system based on Axelrod's model for the dissemination of culture. The numerical simulations show that the system undergoes a nonequilibrium phase transition between an ordered phase (homogeneous culture) specified by the mass media and a disordered (culturally fragmented) one. The critical boundary separating these phases is calculated on the parameter space of the system, given by the intensity of the mass media influence and the number of options per cultural attribute. Counterintuitively, mass media can induce cultural diversity when its intensity is above some threshold value. The nature of the phase transition changes from continuous to discontinuous at some critical value of the number of options.

Direccion Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Ciencias Centro de Fisica Fundamental