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Emergence of communities in a coevolutive model of wealth exchange

Authors: A. Agreda, K. Tucci
Reference: European Physical Journal ST, 223, 2923, (2014)


We present a model in which we investigate the structure and evolution of a random network that connects agents capable of exchanging wealth. Economic interactions between neighbors can occur only if the difference between their wealth is less than a threshold value that defines the width of the economic classes. If the interchange of wealth cannot be done, agents are reconnected with another randomly selected agent, allowing the network to evolve in time. On each interaction there is a probability of favoring the poorer agent, simulating the action of the government. We measure the Gini index, having real world values attached to reality. Besides the network structure showed a very close connection with the economic dynamic of the system.

Direccion Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Ciencias Centro de Fisica Fundamental